Engine Professional & Performance Shop Rewards
AERA Engine Professional & Performance Shop Rewards is an engine builder, machine shop, installer, and performance shop oriented program that recognizes performance shop business as the backbone of the grassroots performance industry.
The sponsors, suppliers, and manufacturers featured in the Engine Professional & Performance Shop Rewards coupon book offer valuable product discounts directly to every enrolled shop in order to help increase shop profitability and margins. Bottom Line---participating manufacturers offer product discounts to reward loyal, current customers and to earn the business of new customers. Engine Professional & Performance Shop Rewards currently delivers product discounts and information directly to nearly 3,000 member shops in the USA and Canada.
2500 Member Shops and growing! The AERA Engine Professional & Performance Shop Rewards program offers valuable product discounts through the AERA Engine Professional & Performance Shop Rewards Coupon Book to nearly 500 engine builders, machine shops, and performance shops directly associated with Contingency Connection’s national network of grassroots racers, tracks, and racing series. Additionally, over 2,500 AERA member engine builders, rebuilders, installers, and machine shops will receive our book as a free added benefit for being an AERA member!
Shops Register to receive Engine Professional Coupon Book and a Chance to Win AERA Grand Prizes
Manufacturers Register to receive the Engine Professional Book and more information
