MILLINGTON, Tenn. - Brendan O'Brien, public relations and marketing professional, has been named Marketing Specialist for Memphis International Raceway (MIR). O'Brien brings seven years of experience to MIR, including a broad marketing background with specific expertise in digital and social media. Throughout his career, he has helped a variety of brands and companies establish and expand their digital marketing efforts, maximizing results through strategic marketing solutions, analytics, social media and brand engagement. O'Brien graduated from the University of Arizona with a bachelor of arts in 2010. He worked as a Client Associate with Merrill Lynch in Phoenix, and served as Senior Digital Manager for the online marketplace LivingSocial.com in Tucson, Ariz., for four years. In December 2015, he moved to Memphis after accepting a position as Email Marketing Specialist for Archer Malmo, a leading public relations agency with offices in Memphis and in Austin, Texas. He is an avid motorsports enthusiast who is excited to bring his skills and experience to the team at MIR. He will report directly to MIR President, Pam Kendrick, in his new position. "Brendan is a motivated individual who is determined to build strong relationships and doesn't shy away from leadership roles," Kendrick said. "His experience with social engagement and analytics, strategic marketing and brand engagement is valuable in making sure our racers, fans and partners receive maximum value from our events." Among his duties, O'Brien will maximize the presence of Memphis International Raceway through social media and create marketing strategies at the grassroots level, as well as working with both local and national media.