Bill Burba of Germantown in his Wooten Automotive Modified will be seeking his third straight feature at Shady Bowl Speedway 6/29
DeGraff OH: (6/26): In a season marred by bad weather that has caused seven cancellations at the hillside oval, things may finally be looking up for Shady Bowl Speedway.
Racing will resume Saturday (6/29) with a full schedule of stock car action. In Wooten Automotive Modifieds Germantown’s Bill Burba has powered his way to two straight wins. Jeremy Niswonger has also powered his four cylinder to two straight wins in the Noble Armor Coating mini stock division.
Piqua’s Josh Sage has his Harrod Septic Solutions running strong, as he tries for two wins a row after winning the Sceva Memorial last week. Columbus driver Buddy Townsend will try and win his second straight feature in the Dave Nagel Excavating late models. It will also be Dayton Auto Racing Fan Club Night with all members admitted to the grandstand area for ½ off. Members must show a current membership card. Racing will start at 7.
In 2019, Shady Bowl Speedway is offering nearly $150,000 in Contingency Connection Racer Rewards. Go to contingencyconnection.com to see a complete listing of nearly 100 sponsors posting awards for you this season.