SAVE THE DATE! NEW EXPO COMING THIS FALL! OCTOBER 12-14, 2021 www.engineperformanceexpo.com
New! Mini Series Episode 17
In this episode the AERA’s Chuck Lynch dives into everything you need to know about seat and guide machining. He covers the important but often underappreciated subject of guides and guide materials and their impact on accurate seating, as well as the various alloys and considerations.
Chuck also discusses differentiating between machine and people introduced errors in seat and guide machining, makes tooling suggestions, offers some pro tips (hint: windshield wiper fluid is involved), and talks about everything from inference angles to machine maintenance and vacuum testing.
The episode closes with a live Q&A session with the viewing audience and the wealth of information available to engine builders via the AERA’s website.

October Expo Registration Now Open
Registration for the 2nd Engine Performance Expo, October 12-14, 2021, is now open to the general public. More engines, more info and more fun. Still 100% online and FREE!
Register early and get all the inside news on the upcoming Expo sessions, live interviews and special events.