SAVE THE DATE! NEW EXPO COMING THIS FALL! OCTOBER 12-14, 2021 www.engineperformanceexpo.com
New! Mini Series Episode 18
In this episode COMP Cams’ Billy Godbold does an educational session on valvetrains and how low shock technology has become the standard for power and durability across the spectrum of race engines.
He goes through how we were all taught to compare profiles and how we now need to “re-learn” based on the new technology. Along the way he talks about everything from the pros and cons of roller and flat tappet camshafts to the importance of resonance in creating more power.
After the educational session, Joe Castello and Lake Speed Jr are joined by Billy for live Q&A from the audience, as well as a few great stories from Billy, including some NHRA insider tricks, and how Jon Kaase once found a way to lose 300 horsepower and brag about it.

October Expo Registration Now Open
Registration for the 2nd Engine Performance Expo, October 12-14, 2021, is now open to the general public. More engines, more info and more fun. Still 100% online and FREE!
Register early and get all the inside news on the upcoming Expo sessions, live interviews and special events.