Rewarding loyal racers and performance shops in a variety of motorsports.

Magnecor, the leading manufacturer of ignition wires, has teamed up with Contingency Connection to sponsor both the Racer Rewards program and the AERA sponsored Engine Professional & Performance Shop Rewards program for the 2022 racing season. But that’s not all--Magnecor is also sponsoring a national Bonus Program awarding one champion from each Contingency Connection track with a set of plug wires to make their cars go faster in 2023!
Magnecor will offer product coupon support to weekly grassroots racers at all participating Contingency Connection tracks & series –making it more affordable for racers to race more often.

“Our most steadfast supporters are racers in nearly every type of motorsports, and we want to do all we can through the Racer Rewards program to support them and our industry overall,” said Mike Kobylik Vice President and Chairman of the Board of Magnecor. “Additionally, sponsorship of Contingency Connection’s Engine Professional & Performance Shop Rewards program allows Magnecor an avenue to give back to our loyal dealer customers and help them succeed as well.”
Contingency Connection’s Racer Rewards program reaches nearly every type of competition including drag racing, dirt, paved, motorcycle, off-road, speed boats and more. Contingency Connection guarantees each member track & series more than $50,000 annually in weekly, mid-season, and end of season awards to build their car counts and profitability. Participating manufacturers receive exposure and advertising at nearly 100 tracks – hosting 1,500 events nationwide, reaching 18,000 racers each week. The Engine Professional & Performance Shop Rewards program reaches 3000 engine builders, performance shops, installers, and machine shops and includes a direct mail coupon book, eblasts, and social media campaigns directed at end-user shops.
Magnecor makes the most technically advanced ignition cables and provides spark plug wires and individual wires for almost every engine ever made. They are also the ONLY manufacturer of ignition cable that offers wire sets customized for any application. With over a combined 100 years of engine and ignition system experience on staff, Magnecor can get you the exact solution for your ignition cable needs.
Watch for more announcements from Magnecor and Contingency Connection.